Centertainment Productions is the student-run organization planning more than 60 events each semester, for students on campus. Nearly all events are free with a UW-Stevens Point student ID!
More...Tag Archives: Socializing
Ideas For An On Point Valentine’s Day
Whether you are single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between, there are many great ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Stevens Point!
More...Sticks and stones break bones, but friendship lasts forever
The friends you make in college are the people who become your family away from home. When something goes wrong, like fracturing your fibula, you are going to want friends who will be there no matter what.
More...Get involved on campus
Getting involved with the Public Relations Student Society of America benefited Caryn Reinthaler’s entire university experience. Learn more about the president of UW-Stevens Point’s PRSSA.
More...Get out there and meet people!
As a diversity manager on campus for Diversity and College Access, Kaya Gravitter meets with people from different cultures from all over the world. Learn how you can do the same at UW-Stevens Point.