It’s that time of year again, Pointers! With the holiday season just around the corner, and maybe a little more free time, let’s not forget about adding the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to your to-do list. If you haven’t started it yet, the FAFSA can be completed online here. Five things you […]
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Winter Is Coming
As the end of the semester draws near, winter is on it’s way at UW-Stevens Point. While many students here have survived a Wisconsin winter before, I have some reminders for students braving the cold in the heart of the state – especially if this is your first UWSP winter. Mittens are a must With frigid […]
More...UWSP’s Financial Aid Office Blogger is Here to Help
Hello there! My name is Kaitlyn, and I am pursuing a major in English education and a psychology minor here, at UW-Stevens Point. I’m from Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., which is not too far from UW-Stevens Point’s campus. As an administrative assistant and student mentor in UW-Stevens Point’s Financial Aid Office, I help coordinate financial literacy programs […]