Tag Archives: UWSP

UWSP’s Financial Aid Office Blogger is Here to Help

Financial aid blogger Kaitlyn Keech lets students know what services they can find in the Financial Aid Office.

Hello there! My name is Kaitlyn, and I am pursuing a major in English education and a psychology minor here, at UW-Stevens Point. I’m from Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., which is not too far from UW-Stevens Point’s campus. As an administrative assistant and student mentor in UW-Stevens Point’s Financial Aid Office, I help coordinate financial literacy programs […]


Pointers Give Back: National Hunger Awareness Week

National Hunger Awareness Week is held the week before Thanksgiving each year. Hunger is a world problem and you might be thinking: What can I do to help solve such a major issue? Fortunately, UW-Stevens Point provides students and the campus community with ways to contribute to causes that combat hunger and raise awareness. The Cupboard […]


5 Reasons Why UW-Stevens Point is for Me

Schmeeckle Reserve

There are many reasons to attend UW-Stevens Point, which you will hear on a campus tour or find online. But there is even more to UW-Stevens Point that you can’t always find out until you are enrolled in classes and become a part of the Pointer family!   1. People are welcoming One of the biggest […]


The Do’s and Don’ts of 8 a.m.’s

If there is one thing college students complain about most, it’s how tired they are. And one big contributor of this (at least for me) is the fact that I have to get up for my 8 a.m. classes almost every morning of the school week. To get you through your 8 a.m.’s here are […]


My Biggest Cheerleader

Starting college is a new and exciting experience, but it can also seem frightening and overwhelming. For me, it has been valuable to have a strong support system to help in the transitional times of my life and to keep me going. My mom has been my biggest cheerleader and supporter through the whole experience. […]
