Tag Archives: UWSP

7 Things to Add to Your First-Year Bucket List

Before you come to UW-Stevens Point, I am sure you will have created a first-year “bucket list” that you want to accomplish. As a sophomore at UWSP, here are some of my suggestions for things you should add to your bucket list:   Go to multiple sporting events. I would recommend that you go to at least one athletic event […]


Your Guide to Coffee on Campus

Coffee and college go together like peanut butter and jelly. You’ll start gradually with one cup before your 8 a.m. Then, soon enough, you’ll be on cup number six at 10 p.m. in the library – completely over-caffeinated. And although you can’t stop twitching, you know all the caffeine will be worth it when you […]


Pointer Family Q&A: Transitioning to College

UW-Stevens Point student Val Every and her mom recently interviewed each other about their experiences during Val’s transition from high school senior to first-year college student. Val, now a sophomore at UWSP, and her mom also shared how their relationship has changed over time. Question 1 Were you ready for Val to move away and why? Mom: […]
