Tag Archives: involvement

Get Your Climb On!

Jennifer Rukavina has the inside scoop on what you need to know about the Climbing Wall at UW-Stevens Point!

Did you know that as a UW-Stevens Point student, you have FREE access to the UWSP Climbing Wall? Whether you’re a seasoned climber or just looking to try out a fun, new way to be active, you’ve got to check it out!


10 Reasons To Tour UW-Stevens Point

Anyon Rettinger has 10 reasons why you should visit UW-Stevens Point!

There’s a lot of exciting projects, new spaces and places, and unique programs that make our university stand out. While there are way more than 10 reasons to come to campus and take a look around, I have condensed the list to some of the best facts and features.


Mark Your Calendar for Centertainment’s Fall Semester Events

University Centers blogger Monique Mata-Bonilla shares events happening on campus this semester!

Want to attend awesome (and mostly free) events on campus, but not sure where to find them? Look no further! Here’s a list of Centertainment events for the rest of the fall semester.


Meet the University Centers

Whether you call us the “Centers” or a student union, we’re focused on one thing: student life – from involvement and employment, to fitness and recreation, and so much more.


How to Make the Most of Your First Week at UWSP

Sophomore Mai La Yang shares ways to make the most of your first week on campus.

The first week of college can be nerve-wracking when you don’t know anyone on campus yet and are far from home. But there’s nothing to fear, Pointers! Get to know the campus and our community more by following these tips to become more comfortable at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point:
