Tag Archives: student involvement

Questing For A Job

Mai La Yang shares how to access and use Quest, a search tool for finding student jobs both on and off campus.

You can use Quest to help guide you in finding jobs on campus, off campus, or around the Stevens Point-Plover area!


Get Active With Fitness And Recreation Programs

Jennifer Rukavina gives a quick rundown of all the fitness and recreation programs offered at UWSP!

Looking to get active, but unsure of your options on campus? Wonder no more!


My Summer Internship Working The Levitt AMP Stevens Point Concert Series

Anyon Rettinger writes about his summer internship and how to begin your own internship search.

I highly recommend looking for a summer internship now because there are so many ways to help make a difference, right where you live. UW-Stevens Point helps make this process easy by providing lots of resources.


Wicked Willow: Eating Vegan In Downtown Stevens Point

Alyssa Deem reviews Wicked Willow, a vegan restaurant in downtown Stevens Point.

No matter what lifestyle you are currently living, make a stop at Wicked Willow and give it a try. You won’t be disappointed!


Get To Know Campus Activities And Student Engagement

Blogger Jennifer Rukavina introduces Campus Activities and Student Engagement - the place to go to get involved!

Campus Activities and Student Engagement helps UW-Stevens Point students in everything from participating in volunteer opportunities and gaining leadership experience to finding on or off-campus jobs.
