Tag Archives: first-year students

Your Official Guide: A Breakdown of University Acronyms

Four weeks into the semester and still wondering what the full names of some of our campus buildings are? Don’t sweat it.


5 Tips on the FAFSA

Kaitlyn Keech gives five tips on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

It’s officially fall, and that means it’s time to start filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 2018-2019 school year! I’ve gathered five tips to help you complete it successfully.


4 Easy Vegan Snacks for Back-to-School

Alyssa Deem shares four easy vegan back-to-school snacks!

I hope you enjoy these fueling snacks, which–at the max–only take 15 minutes to create and result in some very healthy, fun treats.


Mark Your Calendar for Centertainment’s Fall Semester Events

University Centers blogger Monique Mata-Bonilla shares events happening on campus this semester!

Want to attend awesome (and mostly free) events on campus, but not sure where to find them? Look no further! Here’s a list of Centertainment events for the rest of the fall semester.


Welcome From the Financial Aid Office

Kaitlyn Keech, psychology major and financial aid blogger, gives a warm welcome to students on behalf of the Financial Aid Office at UW-Stevens Point.

Throughout my next blog posts, I will cover topics such as accesSPoint, the FAFSA, and different financial literacy resources available to current students, future Pointers and parents of UW-Stevens Point students.
