Tag Archives: Pointer Pride

Portland Reflections And Recipe

Health blogger Alyssa Deem reflects on a recent trip to Portland, Oregon and shares a vegan recipe from her PDX experience.

I am currently enrolled in a food and travel writing course, where I get to learn about food from all over the world and the different food stories behind some cultures. It has been very fascinating to learn about and has given me the inspiration to write about my trip to Portland and its food.


Get Active With Fitness And Recreation Programs

Jennifer Rukavina gives a quick rundown of all the fitness and recreation programs offered at UWSP!

Looking to get active, but unsure of your options on campus? Wonder no more!


My Summer Internship Working The Levitt AMP Stevens Point Concert Series

Anyon Rettinger writes about his summer internship and how to begin your own internship search.

I highly recommend looking for a summer internship now because there are so many ways to help make a difference, right where you live. UW-Stevens Point helps make this process easy by providing lots of resources.



Junior Mai La Yang shares her experience with feeling homesick in college.

The nerves didn’t hit me until I sat in the Dreyfus University Center Alumni Room during summer registration at UW-Stevens Point. Soon enough the session was done, and my family and I headed back home to begin packing my belongings to move into my residence hall. Next thing I know, I was already standing in front of Pray-Sims Hall with my luggage at the start of fall.


10 Reasons To Tour UW-Stevens Point

Anyon Rettinger has 10 reasons why you should visit UW-Stevens Point!

There’s a lot of exciting projects, new spaces and places, and unique programs that make our university stand out. While there are way more than 10 reasons to come to campus and take a look around, I have condensed the list to some of the best facts and features.
