Tag Archives: Prospective students

GradReady: Real-World Finance

Financial aid blogger Kaitlyn Keech shares what she's learned from GradReady's Real-World Finance module.

This module covers everything you need to know about finding a job after graduation, student loan repayment, and includes the electronic loan counselor.


Design On A Dime: 2 Easy DIY Holiday Craft Ideas

Looking for easy, inexpensive holiday DIY-gift ideas? Anyon Rettinger has you covered in his latest blog post!

Have you ever wanted to make some of those Do-It-Yourself crafts, but didn’t know where to start? Or maybe you have tried a few and they didn’t turn out like that Pinterest pin? I have tried quite a few over the years and have continually had success with a few specific crafts. Here are two easy DIY holiday crafts and instructions on how to make them:


5 Tips For Mastering Finals Week

Anyon Rettinger gives five tips to master your final exams at UW-Stevens Point this semester.

Surviving finals week is more than doable, and you don’t have to be stressed. I will give you five tips for sanely mastering the finals week experience. It’s all about perspective and a little tactful planning.


Eating Vegan Off Campus

Health blogger and vegan Alyssa Deem thinks outside the house salad on the menu when she goes out to eat with friends.

For me, eating healthy and eating vegan at home is one in the same and I find it very easy. When people question my lifestyle and wonder how I do it, I tell them it is simple and the only time I struggle is when I eat out, or at least that’s when I used to struggle.


GradReady: Money Management

Financial aid blogger Kaitlyn Keech shares tips on money management she's learned through GradReady.

For those who missed my last post, GradReady is a free, interactive, online financial literacy resource offered by UW-Stevens Point’s Financial Aid Office and NorthStar Education Services. This resource can be used throughout enrollment and even after you’ve graduated.
