Hey Everybody!
I am a junior here at UWSP. Currently majoring in pre-physical therapy and also a minor in nutrition. I absolutely love learning about nutrition and think it’s super neat! I just changed my major from dietetics to pre-physical therapy so it’s really new to me, but I’m liking it so far.Whenever I decide to graduate from UWSP I want to go to graduate school as well. I’m not rushing though; once I have a college degree then the real world begins … oh boy!
On campus, I am the historian for SAND! It’s a great student organization and I think more people should join. =] Other than that, I should probably think about getting more involved in organizations.
Off campus, I work at a group home for mentally disabled adults. Although sometimes challenging, it’s a great job to have. I also enjoy spending some time every week with an elderly woman. We cook together and I take her shopping and it’s great just to hang out. It’s fascinating what we can learn if we give up some of our time to people of another generation.
Hmm … What else about me? Life’s crazy, but whose isn’t? I believe that whatever worth having is also worth fighting for. I am easy going, friendly person and tend to procrastinate by cooking rather than writing an essay or studying. Other than that I really enjoy going hunting, fishing, basically anything outdoors, I’ll be there! Enjoy life!