For starters, hello to the UW-Stevens Point community! I’m new to the world of blogging and what better way to introduce myself than share about my past few months I spent studying at the University of Valladolid in Spain. Yes that’s right, I said Spain! I am a Spanish major in addition to dietetics, so […]
More...Tag Archives: Spain
Saying Adios
Oh what a semester! I am very proud and happy with everything that’s happened over the past five months: the travels, the language studies, the relationships created … it’s been a truly rewarding and exhilarating experience of self-discovery, education enhancement, and understanding. One of the scariest things I’ve experienced in my life was stepping off […]
More...The American Pressure
I’ve never stopped and thought about the immense amount of pressure placed on the shoulders of college-aged students. Did you realize we’re expected to graduate from college, start a successful career soon after, find a husband or wife, and start a family ALL before the age of 30? Stressed yet? For me, this was never […]
More...Gastronomy of Spain – Don’t read if you’re hungry
One of the best parts of traveling is eating the food. The official term for this is ‘gastronomy,’ but really, it’s just a fancy way of saying stuffing your face and not feeling guilty about it. Believe me, Spain is perfect for this indulgence. Officially, we’re immersed in a true Mediterranean diet full of fish, […]
More...Urban Planning of Valladolid
I’d like to give you a more intimate taste of Valladolid and describe to you some of the efficient urban planning features I’ve noticed over the past months. Much of the architecture, street layout, and city flow is different from what we see in the U.S., all to accompany the unique customs and history of […]
More...Searching in Salamanca
After a few weeks off from traveling, our group loaded up on a bus and headed south to Salamanca for the day. It was more relaxed than Segovia and we had better weather which was much appreciated (still no sun though)! For the morning we did a walking tour with our professors: seeing the convent, […]
More...Down Time & Close Visits
We had a few ‘off’ weeks where we weren’t traveling or scheduled through the university. It gave us a few moments to breathe which was nice. Although we wished the weather would’ve cooperated more (while you had snow, we had cold rains), it gave us the opportunity to explore things closer in and around Valladolid. […]
Being in a new place obviously means a slur of change, as singer David Bowie sings about in the well-known song “Changes” as referenced to in the title (you should probably listen to it while you read this, it’s more entertaining). Customs and culture are going to be different, and the lifestyle will take some […]
More...Segundo Semana! – Intercambio & Flan
Hola de España! Week two is in the bag, and Spanish is becoming easier and easier each day (even my mamá noticed!). I’m really enjoying it here, and have gotten quite comfortable with the city of Valladolid. I’ve started to make friends, classes are in full motion, and the city is more familiar to navigate. […]
More...¡Sobreviví! ~ I survived!
¡Sobreviví la primera semana! ~ I survived the first week! We’ve all arrived and settled with our new families in Valladolid, Spain. It’s such a change from the U.S., but all our families are so welcoming and such characters! My roommate (Sam) and my mom is so sweet and calls us ‘mi hijas, mi hijas‘ […]