Alas, the day has finally arrived for me to write my final blog. For the past few days I have stared at a blank sheet of paper wondering what insightful thoughts I could share with those who are reading this post. The time that I have been at UW-Stevens Point and the various experiences that […]
More...Category Archives: Brittany
Thanks for the Memories
As I look back at the past few years at UW-Stevens Point, I wanted to find a way to creatively remember them all. So here is a toast to some of the best memories I have had while in college: To grumbling stomachs and Debot dinner dates, where food is in abundance and you must get […]
More...Enjoy the Ride
Sitting in class one day, I was thinking about how crazy my life had become lately. There had been plenty of ups and downs, but when I look back at that time today, I realize that I am so thankful that my life turned out the way it did. I recently re-found this poem that […]
More...Leaving on a Jet Plane
As a campus ambassador (or tour guide) for the past few years for UW-Stevens Point, I often get the questions, “Is there anything you regret not doing while being a college student?” When I was first asked this question, I will admit that I was stumped, so I turned to my classmates and friends for […]
More...Circle of Life
With just under one month left until graduation (or 20 days for those who are counting), I’ve realized that this stage of my life is coming to an end. Yet, before this transition begins, I have quite a list of things to be thankful for including the Chancellor’s Leadership Award and School of Business & […]
More...Make a Change
In today’s society, we are encouraged to take, take, take, and that we must be selfish to work our way to the top. Often, I struggle with this idea as I grew up in a family of six. In a big family, there isn’t room for each family member to be self-serving. For this reason, […]
More...Life is a Highway
Through the words of the song Life is a Highway, “Life’s like a road that you travel on. There’s one day here and the next day gone.” Time continues to fly as I travel on life’s highway toward the rest stop called “graduation”. While enjoying the ride, I love to look in the rearview mirror […]
More...School’s Out For … Spring Break!
As my last college spring break was quickly approaching, I knew that I needed to go out with a bang, and that is just what I did! Through the Outdoor EdVentures group on campus, with the assistance of our “fearless leaders” Ed and Mike, nine students (including myself) were able to have a whirl-wind adventure […]
More...“Free” To Be Me
Since there is snow covering the ground with just one day left until the start of spring, many people are getting antsy waiting for the snow to melt and our true spring to arrive. I took this opportunity to go skiing at Red Granite…something I have waited five years to do. So what do you […]
More...Express Yourself
In the midst of this spring semester, as we are conquering our midterm exams, it has been a really busy time of year. Most recently, I have been applying for available marketing jobs. Through this application process, I have realized the importance of branding yourself. A few weeks ago, I created my own business card […]