Classroom teachers who open their doors to UW-Stevens Point preservice (student) teachers were honored for the support they provide at the annual Oscar W. Neale Memorial Celebration of Teaching reception and award ceremony on Wednesday, Nov. 9 at the Dreyfus University Center.
The school recognized those who have served as cooperating teachers during the 2011 spring and fall semesters. In addition, student education organizations select a teacher to receive their organization’s Excellence in Teaching Award, five of were UWSP School of Education alumni (see below).
The highlight of the evening was a presentation by the 2010-11 Oscar W. Neale Fellowship recipient St. Stanislaus Catholic School in Stevens Point. St. Stan’s Principal Gregg Hansel, first-grade teacher Ann Molski, a 1991 UWSP School of Ed graduate, and current UWSP preservice teacher Heather Johnson presented what they learned in the past year of the partnership. St. Stan’s Karen Hansel collaborated with Cindy Cate of the SOE faculty to create the P.A.W.S. (Point’s Alliance With St. Stan’s) Literacy Lab. Students from Cate’s Reading Methods classes worked with classroom teachers and students at St. Stan’s to enhance students’ literacy skills using a method called Reader’s Theater.
The event is sponsored by the O. W. Neale Memorial Endowment, in association with the Association for the Education of Young Children, Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society, Student Council for Exceptional Children, Student Council for the Social Studies, Student Wisconsin Education Association, UWSP College of Professional Studies and the School of Education.

2010-11 Award Winners
Association for the Education of Young Children Excellence in Teaching Award: Achievement Center Early Intervention Program of Portage County
The Achievement Center Early Intervention Program of Portage County has been serving young children with disabilities, ages birth to three years, and their families, since 1981. For the period of 1966 to 1981, they provided services for students with cognitive disabilities. They have consistently provided exemplary services and have served as a model for the State of Wisconsin. As of January 1, 2012, the Achievement Center will have a new home in the Health and Human Services building. Sue Chapman, ’87, Director of the Achievement Center Early Intervention Program will accept this award.
Kappa Delta Pi, Epsilon Chapter Excellence in Teaching Award: Ashley Becker, ’06
As a cooperating teacher, Ashley Becker displays professionalism and epitomizes what an elementary teacher should be. Cheryl Lang, a first-year teacher in Nekoosa who nominated Becker, shared, “Ashley is a caring and thoughtful individual who makes each and every student believe in himself/herself while maintaining high expectations. Ashley also shares the gift of her beautiful voice with her students, her love and knowledge of yoga, and always makes sure the students know her as a “real” person.” Becker is a UWSP alumnus and demonstrates passion for teaching and a sincere love of children every day.
Student Council for Exceptional Children Excellence in Teaching Award: Dorothy O’Connor
Dorothy O’Connor teaches students with emotional behavioral disabilities at Jefferson Elementary School in Stevens Point, Wis. She shows a true compassion not only for her job but for her students and puts everything she has into them. O’Connor has a great rapport with her students and is always calm and positive. She treats all of her students with respect and they respect her as well because of the special way she has of speaking with them. O’Connor is very organized and readily shares her knowledge and creative strategies. She is being recognized for her positivity and passion for teaching.
Student Council for the Social Studies Excellence in Teaching Award: Chris Bartletti, ’03
Chris Bartletti teaches high school world history, U.S. history, psychology, and contemporary issues in Wittenberg, Wis. He is also the school’s golf coach. Bartletti consistently delivers excellent instruction by using contemporary technology, humor, current events, and his vast knowledge of social studies content. He was nominated because of the positive affect he has on his students. Bartletti has been an excellent teacher for 15 years and will always have a positive impact on any student who is lucky enough to have him for a teacher.
Student Wisconsin Education Association Excellence in Teaching Award: Amber Garbe, ’08
StWEA has proudly selected Amber Garbe because of her dedication to improving students’ literacy at Madison Elementary. In the past, Mrs. Garbe has developed many activities to help students read up to grade level. In addition to teaching first grade, Garbe also enhances the learning of university students by allowing future teachers into her classroom to see how her classroom is managed. She also helps with the Central Wisconsin Reading Association and is trying to form a student group at UWSP to allow students a mentor during their time in school. She is dedicated in helping future educators and wants to help students be the best teacher they can be. Garbe is being recognized for her dedication to teaching, hardworking attitude and devotion to go above and beyond what is required, in the hopes that her spirit will inspire others.
Tom Hayes Memorial Award for Outstanding Service to Teacher Education: Dan Dobratz, ’79
The Tom Hayes Award recognizes colleagues that provide ongoing support to the teacher preparation program at UWSP. Past honorees have included teachers, administrators, supervisors and UWSP faculty members.
This year’s honoree is Dan Dobratz, principal at P.J. Jacobs Junior High School in Stevens Point. Dan earned a BS degree from UWSP and a MS degree from UW-Milwaukee. His career in education has spanned three decades and includes teaching social studies, coaching, and administration. Dobratz joined the Stevens Point Public School District in 1992 as assistant principal at P.J. Jacobs Junior High School and now serves as principal. Dobratz was selected as Principal of the Year for the WI Association of Student Councils for the 2009-10 school year. Dobratz’s selection for this award is based on his readiness to provide learning experiences for UWSP education students. He is proud that P.J. Jacobs has much to offer those entering the field of education, and he is always willing to share this.
About O.W. Neale: Oscar Neale came to Stevens Point Normal School in 1917 and was Director of Rural Education until his retirement in 1944. He then ran and was elected to the Wisconsin State Senate for two, 4-year terms. A dormitory on the UWSP campus was named for him. Oscar Neale taught the first picture study course in a public institution in Wisconsin and was an authority on picture interpretation. Mr. Neale authored many articles and two widely used texts, Picture Study in the Grades, published in 1925, and World Famous Pictures, published in 1933.
The descendants of Oscar Neale have donated $1.9 million to UWSP to create scholarship programs, to sponsor the Oscar W. Neale Memorial Celebration of Teaching honoring cooperating teachers, and to fund the Oscar W. Neale Fellowship that recognizes and supports outstanding collaboration between UWSP faculty and educators in Central Wisconsin.