I hope everyone was able to find some rest this past month! It’s hard to believe that there is only about a week left of January.
Now it’s back to the grindstone of homework, papers and exams. I hope everyone is able to form some good habits now, while there isn’t as much information to study.
Here’s some tips to start out the new semester and year!
- Don’t cram the night before.
- Take breaks, instead of taking one 6-hour long session, break them up with a few sessions
- Take some time to digest the information you are putting into your head
- Study in an environment that best promotes studying, sometimes the library is the best option
- Find others in your class that can help if you need it- if you have to, form a study group!
- Get some sleep
- Eat breakfast!
- Keep the syllabus! It generally has some important information about assignments and office hours.
- Don’t have Facebook open while you are studying.
I hope these tips will help promote studying in your life!!