As we start this week, it seems like people have exams either this week or next week. By now, most of us have a few quizzes under our belts and have the feel for what our exams will cover.
I always hate the first quiz of the semester, especially if it’s with someone who you’ve never had before. Professors can literally test you on anything related to the course topic. RateMyProfessor.com can give you an idea of how your class is gonna go, but until you step foot into to classroom, how you do depends on YOU, and how much YOU study.
For those who are freaking out about their first quiz grade, don’t worry, chances are your professor is willing to drop your lowest score.
For those who need to know every specific detail, chances are this will be the base of your major, and classes in the future will build on top of that information. A lot of pre-professional programs are like this.
This semester I am in classes that directly relate to my major, and my General Education Requirements are nearly complete! One thing I love about getting deeper into the major is that you see a lot of familiar faces in your classes. Three days a week my fellow communicative disorders majors and I meander from the CPS Building to the NFAC for class. It’s a blast to know that my classmates are interested in the area I am interested in learning about! It also makes forming study groups pretty easy!
I hope everyone has a great week and does well on their exams!