Welcome back!
I hope that everyone was able to have a great summer! While most college students were working this summer, I was stuck at home on crutches. Oh the joys of surgery! While I did have a lot of downtime at home, it’s nice to have a challenge again.
Well, it’s been three days since the semester started. How does your course load look? Hectic? Laid back? Or “Oh my goodness! It will be a miracle if I finish this semester with a full head of hair!” Personally, I don’t know where I am yet.
With the beginning of a new semester, a lot of student organizations are hosting a wide variety of events. If you have some time between class and studying I encourage you to find one that tickles your fancy. There are almost 200 student organizations here at UWSP. Student orgs are a great way to meet people who share the same interests as you. They also look great on job or grad school applications (hint, hint). It shows that while you were studying very hard, you also took some time to enjoy other things.
If you aren’t sure what student orgs there are on campus, take some time to peruse the list to see if there’s one that catches your eye.
While I would love to talk more about student organizations, I have an event I have to get ready for.
As Tigger would say, “Ta ta for now.”