Hello readers,
I hope that you have found my first article submission compelling. If you did not have a chance to read it, I believe you will still find enjoyment from this one. Currently, I am now settled in at my dorm room in London. My roommate Joshua is from the southern part of London. He plays the bassoon and he is studying at the Royal Academy of Music. He has a strong British accent and he enjoys classical music.
Again for the tour of England, our group visited Stonehenge, Bath, Wells, Canterburty, Dover, Salisbury and Brighton. Our flight was seven hours, which was not very pleasant. However, it was fascinating observing the British Flight attendants interact with the other passengers and me. They were very polite, friendly and their accents were interesting. On the morning when we arrived over England I asked for green tea. The flight attendant was surprised by my request. The look on her face conveyed to me that she has likely not met many young Americans who have asked for green tea. After drinking it I can understand why. It was extremely strong and bitter, but refreshing at the same time.
Our first stop was the ancient site of Stonehenge, which was built in three phrases and was completed in 1500 BC. There is no consensus agreement to why it was built. Speculation on the reason why it was built range from human sacrifice to astronomy. The physical arrangements of the stones compel me to wonder how they built it without modern technology and engineering. Some experts theorize that it took over 500 men pulling leather ropes to arrange the stones.
Next, we stopped at the world heritage city of Bath. The city is very rich in architecture, beauty and history. I was awestricken by the majestic buildings and parks. Some sites that we visited in Bath were Abby Bath, Roman Baths and the Royal Crescent. The Abby Bath is very large and grandeur. At the Roman Baths, it was interesting imagining the luxury life of the men who stayed there. The Royal Crescent is a great example of Gregorian Architecture. Overall, Bath was a fascinating city.
Later, our group went to Brighton, located on the coast of the English Channel. It’s a very vibrant and fun place to visit. There were pubs (bars) all across the coast. The second night, I went swimming in the channel with a friend, which was exhilarating. It was my first time swimming in a large body of water like the English Channel.
In Wells, Canterbury and Salisbury we mostly visited ancient cathedrals, which were astonishing because of their large size and heavenly architecture. I have never seen buildings as grandeur and majestic as the ones I have seen at these places. From the inside and out I was awed by beauty.
Dover was another beautiful place to see. We stopped at a beach that was part of the North Sea. The landscape was fascinating with all the rocks, cliffs, and the water out in the sea. Most of us walked into the sea, which was exciting. On top of the white cliffs stood the 12th century Dover castle. It’s very large castle and it was exciting walking within the walls of it. Our group traveled to the very top of the castle. The scene of the city and the sea was mesmerizing.
Overall, I had a great time on the tour of England. Words cannot describe how amazing it was. Next week, I start my internship at Evolve Yoga and Wellness Centre and my classes at the University of Birkbeck. Within two weeks, I’ll submit my next blog.
Until then,