Prior to the start of my hopefully last year, I ask myself if I’ll take it easy or work extra hard. This is probably my lightest semester considering I’m only taking 15 credits, working 16 hours a week in the dean’s office and six hours in the CPS Café, serving as co-president of the Student Association of Nutrition and Dietetics, involved in the Public Relations Student Society of America and volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters and Ministry Health Care’s Community Weight Race. I was actually looking forward to having spare time.
Three weeks into the semester and I’m wondering how I ever survived all my previous semesters. The spare time hasn’t happened yet. I have 12-hour days on campus. I run frantically from meeting to meeting. It’s a wonder that I even have friends at all.
As exhausted as I am at the end of the day, I know my efforts are not being wasted. I’ve seen the concepts I learn in class connect with what I do outside the classroom. I’ve seen my work published. I’ve heard the laughter of people at my tried-too-hard jokes. I’ve made new friends and strengthened old friendships. I’m learning something new every day.
I just tell myself, work hard now and work doesn’t seem so hard later. I mean, I only have to keep this up for eight more months, right?
Song Xiong is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in dietetics and communication.