It was the best of times, it was the busiest of times. After completing the first four weeks of this semester at UW-Stevens Point, I have come to a few realizations. First, I love my classes, and second, this semester is not going to be as relaxing as I thought. With some of my first exams on the horizon within the next week, I know that I must refrain from procrastinating and buckle down to push through the next few weeks.
Yet, there are so many other great things to do here at UWSP instead to distract me! For example, while giving my campus tour today to a prospective student from El Salvador I learned about an etiquette dinner that the Student Involvement and Employment Office is hosting, an ice skating for hunger food drive for “The Cupboard” (the food pantry on campus), and opportunities to volunteer at the Salvation Army. Besides these opportunities, I have already participated in the first Public Relations Student Society of America meeting of the year, competed on two weekly intramural division one volleyball teams, ran my first half marathon, attended the Mid-State Sisters of Skate roller derby, and enjoyed the show Annie at the Wausau Grand Theater.
When I say on tours that there is plenty to do or to become involved with on this campus, I am definitely not lying. So amidst the chaos of classes, family and friends, jobs, and extra-curricular activities, how is one supposed to find time to get their homework done? Let me know if and when you ever figure out this great life mystery and please share.
In all honesty though, I have found that you need to discover a “quiet space.” A place you can go to leave behind all of the current dilemmas or stresses that may plague your life, and instead find a quiet peace and calm. This place is where I am able to put on my “focus face” and work for hours without being distracted.
However, finding a balance between work and play will be a dilemma you will have to address for the rest of your life. Once you find that balance though, you will notice that your life will fly by in the blink of an eye, as I notice that mine is doing for my last year of college. So amidst your hectic life schedule, don’t forget today to say thank you to those people around you who have helped you get to where you are. You can never say thank you to much.
Well, I can’t procrastinate my studies any longer, so I will leave you on that note. Just keep in mind that, “The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”
Brittany Melby is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in business administration and interior architecture.