As Christmas music is playing in the background, I cannot seem to contain the excitement that is building up inside me. It’s almost CHRISTMAS!!! With that said, there is so much happening, and so much left to do.
For starters, some of the things that I have wished for this Christmas that have already come true:
I interviewed and received a marketing internship at the Boys and Girls Club of Portage County for the spring of 2013!
- I worked for the chancellor of UWSP at his own personal Christmas Party…this included the opportunity to drive a university vehicle and chauffeur some of his very important guests!
- I finally found time to enjoy watching my first Packers game of the season with friends.
- Our intramural co-ed volleyball team won second place this block in the tournaments.
- I met with Kate Worster, the executive director of University Relations and Communications, and she graciously talked through her life experiences with me to show me what I could do with a marketing degree upon graduation.
- We decorated our apartment to look like Christmas!
Some things that I am in the midst of right now:
- Studying for final exams and finishing final papers
- Finding time to buy/wrap gifts for family and friends
- Applying for jobs as I graduate in May 2013!
However, all I really want this Christmas is to wish each and every one of you a joyous holiday season as you remember to be thankful for the family and friends that you have been blessed with. Don’t forget the real reason for the season!
Merry Christmas everyone and I will meet you again in the new year! (And I will leave you with something that will hopefully bring a smile to your face as the year comes to a close.)
Hardest job ever: working in a bubble wrap factory. Imagine the self-control needed…
Brittany Melby is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in business administration and interior architecture.