When visiting London, there is one thing that you must do—street markets! London is home to many famous street markets and I have been lucky enough to visit a few. Portobello Market in Notting Hill is probably the best know, and for good reason, because it has everything you could want! Clothes, music, souvenirs, food, it’s all here. And if you like vintage, you’re in luck because this is a very thrifty market! As travelers, it’s important to budget yourself and markets are a great place to go to find a good deal. No price is set and you can haggle till your heart is content. Personally, I have yet to pay full price for anything and have gotten some items that would normally cost me around $10 for a pound!

Not only are there good a deal on clothes and souvenirs, but the food is cheap and delicious! If you want an authentic London experience, walk around the food stalls at Portobello Market. There is no shortage of options either; everything from savory to sweet and burgers to falafels can be found here. If you want a really good crepe with an abundance of toppings, I would 100% recommend coming here! Just today, I had one with nutella and coconut and it was heaven. I’ve found that many Londoners frequent street markets weekly to buy fresh produce and food, similar to American farmers markets; however, unlike farmers markets these markets run all year long and are not limited by seasons.
Also like farmers markets, be prepared for crowds. There are about 8 million people living in London and I swear they all come to Portobello Market on Saturday. It can get a bit frustrating trying to walk around and see everything, but push through and you’ll find some treasures. I recommend getting there early and leaving before noon because that’s when things really get crazy. I have also learned that you are more likely to get a better deal the earlier in the day, which is all the motivation I need to wake up early! So remember, when you’re planning your trip to London make sure you take a Saturday and visit one of the many street markets that this great city has to offer.
Olivia Ramsfield, a junior majoring in business administration and English at UW-Stevens Point, is blogging about her study abroad experience in London.