I Work Out

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It is almost two months after you made your New Year’s resolutions. So how are you doing with these goals? If you are like me and many others, you haven’t exactly held to these goals perfectly. Yet, what time is better than now to get a second chance at restarting those resolutions? Here are some suggestions I have to help you stick with those goals and to ultimately succeed at reaching them.

For many people, one of their top resolutions is to become healthier in some way, whether it is through losing weight or even just eating right. This was definitely a goal for me this year, and I have used various tactics to help keep me on track:

  • Eat a balanced diet from each of the food groups
  • Limit your snacking after 9 p.m.
  • Make time to work out at least three times each week
  • Eat only when you are hungry … not when you are bored
  • Find an accountability partner

Accountability partners are so important when striving for a goal like becoming healthier. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this term, an accountability partner is someone who knows your goals and is willing to hold you to them, even when you feel yourself trying to stray from your goals or short-cut the system. For me, my roommates have always been these “policemen” for me. They keep me focused, encouraged and on track. However, when it comes to finding time to exercise, I found another friend to be my accountability partner. The two of us met in our weightlifting class last semester, and have been lifting together ever since. We set a time to meet at the Strength Fitness Center (a great place to work out on campus) and help each other with different lifts. For many women, it is intimidating to weight lift, as the men around you are benching weight that literally bends the bar. Still, do not be deterred from working out for this reason. That’s why it is great to have an accountability partner. Even when you don’t feel like going to the gym, you remember that your friend is there waiting for you and counting on you. It is a great way to keep you active and to help you achieve your goals. So find an accountability partner for your life! I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed.


Brittany Melby is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in business administration and interior architecture.