Empowering future generations by strengthening and extending the ability of schools and community organizations to raise the personal financial capabilities of young adults, the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point hosted a Family Economics & Financial Education (FEFE) workshop on Saturday, March 16.
The workshop provided attendees, including eight UW-Stevens Point family & consumer sciences students, with ready-to-teach lesson plans and materials free of charge, and the skills and confidence to effectively teach personal finance.
The educator training:
• provided interactive workshops led by current classroom educators modeling lesson plan activities
• created networking opportunities for meaningful and relevant discussions about best practices within the financial literacy
• offered an abundance of ready-to-teach curriculum materials designed by educators including the semester/trimester course
“Take Charge of Your Finances”
Margie Chinadle, a family and consumer sciences teacher at North Star High School in Montana, served as the workshop trainer. She has been a National Master Educator and trainer for the FEFE program since its inception in 2001 and has been recognized nationally as a VISA Innovative Educator for Practical Skills in 2012, Montana American Association for Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher of the Year in 2010 and the National Association for Career and Technical Education New Educator of the Year for Region V.
FEFE is an organization funded through the University of Arizona and Take Charge America.