In the midst of this spring semester, as we are conquering our midterm exams, it has been a really busy time of year. Most recently, I have been applying for available marketing jobs. Through this application process, I have realized the importance of branding yourself. A few weeks ago, I created my own business card so I would have something to hand out to my potential employers along with my resume and cover letter. By having a business card, it helps give these professionals something to remember you by and through each of these pieces, you are creating a brand for yourself.
Now these are not the only ways to brand yourself. After attending a presentation by Wayne Breitbarth at the Dreyfus University Center Theater, I learned the importance of creating a LinkedIn account. LinkedIn is a more formal format of Facebook used to help you network and “connect” with fellow employees, friends and family. Still, you should continue to carry your branding through your Facebook and Twitter pages as well. Researchers have found that more and more hiring managers are checking out potential employees through their social media sites.
So in the end, my questions for you are: What is your brand? And how do you want to be perceived? Be aware that you are making an impression…even when you aren’t speaking. Take time to decide who you want to be. I am a professional, but am willing to still have fun amidst the busyness of life as proven by the cars image. While figuring out who you want to be, just make sure that you don’t lose who you are.
Brittany Melby is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in business administration and interior architecture.