I grew up in the Fox Valley in Neenah, Wis. Neenah’s a little bigger than Stevens Point, but not by much. I graduated with a big class (550+) so it was kind of weird to come to Point and not have too much of a ‘culture shock’ in regards to class sizes and crowdedness. This has been a benefit because I am able to establish great relationships with professors and students more so than if I were in a big school with hundreds of students in one classroom! Yikes!
Coming to Point I was undecided on what I was going to study – I was way too interested in too many areas and could not decide! This is mirrored in my path thus far. I started out in the biology and art departments. By second semester of my freshman year, I had already dropped the biology and picked up business (it’s just my true calling). Yet after a year in the art program I decided my real passions career-wise were in business and health promotion … so I swapped again. After a semester of that (see the trend?) and an internship with the local Anytime Fitness I realized I could still pursue my love for health and wellness outside of the degree program, and what I was truly interested in studying was business and Spanish. So by the end of my sophomore year I was set … and still stand today … as a business administration and Spanish major.
However, all these classes I took in other degree programs I have used outside of class. My art classes transferred perfectly into the business world. Many of my jobs thus far have dealt with marketing, which is firmly based in design foundations. On the side of my major requirements, I’ve also studied a lot of religion, particularly Eastern religions with Professor Luke Whitmore. These have helped me as well, especially with current events and understanding political structures and culture in other countries (Seriously! I couldn’t believe it either…). So I’m proud of where I’ve been you could say, truly … because the experiences in all these areas of study have allowed me to expand my thinking and give me unique skills in the workplace. I’m not sure if I would have had so many opportunities at other schools to study so many areas so easily and still graduate on time. I’m quite thankful for that!
When I’m not in class or studying at the beloved library, I eat and work out. I wish I were lying … I’m a huge endurance/solo sport enthusiast. In the warmer months I love to run and bike and in the fall months I’m a die-hard cross country classical skier. I put my first half marathon in the bag last fall and do lots of various races throughout the year. The pic shown is my dad and I after our first mud race … we’re addicted. We’ve done four as a team and plan to do the Tough Mudder in the fall. When the snow flies it’s onto the boards! Cross country skiing becomes my life as I train for the American Koretlopet up in Hayward, Wis. This 23K ski race is half the distance of the better known Birkebeiner (50K). Both races are at the end of February every year, and my pops and I have embraced the wicked hills and temperatures for three years now. This past year we celebrated our own victories, shaving 40+ minutes off our times last year. Ski = Love.
I’ve been a figure skater since I was the wee age of three, so I think that’s where a lot of my independent nature and love of solo sports came from. I taught through middle school and high school at a local rink and participated in numerous competitions and shows over my 18-year career in the sport. Now, it’s mostly recreation … but the feeling I have when I’m on the ice is incomparable to anything else. I also became a certified yoga instructor last summer in YogaFit Level 1 training program. I’ve practiced since high school and absolutely love what it does for the body and mind. Being able to teach opened up a whole new world of possibility and understanding in and of the yoga world.
So that’s me! Any questions? I’m sure you’ll be meeting lots of my companions and hear more stories about my crazy life at UW-Stevens Point. I’m super excited to share them with you, so I hope you’re excited to follow along! Always feel free to shoot me an email if you have questions or want to get involved in anything I write about. I always enjoy opening people up to new opportunities, especially when it’s something I love and am passionate about!
So cheers! And until I type again … Namaste : )
Courtney Cerniglia is a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in business administration and Spanish.