Here’s a montage of recent happenings:
My dad came up for a trail run at Iola Winter Sports Park a little over a week ago that we ran in ankle deep snow and blizzard conditions! We were looking at each other like, “Where are our skis?” It’s crazy we still have so much snow! The announcer jokingly exclaimed,”‘Looks like a good day for purple klister!” (skiing humor). But we ran anyway. I really enjoy trail running and it was fun to be back on the trails we usually ski. Although the course was trickier with the snow cover, we both ended up doing pretty well in our age group! I took third and won a block of cheese! Best. Medal. Ever.
I joined a local yoga studio! Even though I’ve been practicing for seven years and started my 200-hour certification program, I realized I’ve never been in a real yoga studio! I started at Point Yoga here in Stevens Point and I love it! There’s nothing better than collapsing on my mat at the end of a long Monday! Stevens Point has a pretty supportive yoga community on and off campus. So if you like yoga or want to try, you’ll find somewhere to release your om!
Then I sat in a basement dedicated to TRIVIA WEEKEND! A good friend and I spent about eight hours of the weekend answering questions every two songs on the radio! It was such a blast. The team we were on is super dedicated, it had walls of books, notes on every movie imaginable, and the awards for its success lining the wall. Everyone sat with a computer, cell phone, and snack ready to conquer the next question! When I first arrived I was overwhelmed and intimidated! But, the first question came on … and I got it! I was initiated into the team after that : )
Our final band concert went splendidly! It was a great end to our semester together. As you read before, we had many ‘breakthroughs’ and really developed as an ensemble. My parents came for the show, and per tradition we got sushi at Tokyo Steakhouse and a cup of coffee from Starbucks. You wouldn’t expect Stevens Point to have good sushi, but I’m telling you (and so are my parents) it’s goooood!
I think I got too excited about music because I ended up going to the Symphony Orchestra Concert as well last week. It was spectacular! A last-minute decision turned into a wonderful evening of music … again! My roommate and I attended and got to hear Berlioz and Bruckner, as well as a world premier piece! It was the first time I had attended a concert and knew the pieces/composers on the program – Thanks Symphonic Literature 427!
I always am surprised with how much is going on in Stevens Point. Just when I think I’m going to be bored or have nothing to do … something fantastic pops up! It’s great if you take advantage of everything going on. Why just sit in your dorm room when you can hear a pianist rock out to his rendition of Rhapsody in Blue during the band concert or win a wheel of cheese at a local race? I know the option I’m picking!
Courtney Cerniglia is a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in business administration and Spanish.