Sitting in class one day, I was thinking about how crazy my life had become lately. There had been plenty of ups and downs, but when I look back at that time today, I realize that I am so thankful that my life turned out the way it did. I recently re-found this poem that I had written at that time, and it brings a smile to my face to see where my life is today compared to then. So if you are struggling and worried about finals as they are approaching (in high school or in college), don’t forget to sit back and take time to just enjoy the ride.
“The Ride”
Life is a roller coaster,
so buckle up tight.
Its ups and downs will throw you,
so be ready to put up a fight.
There are shrieks of joy
and screams of fear.
There are times of smiles
and times of tears.
But through the ups and downs,
there is One who’s always there.
His love is unconditional,
so trust Him if you dare.
God will see you through.
He will never leave your side.
Put your confidence in Him.
Sit back and enjoy the ride.
Brittany Melby is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in business administration and interior architecture.