Thanks to the efforts of University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point students, a young athlete with Cerebral Palsy will be able to participate in a half-Ironman competition this summer.
Led by health promotion/wellness graduating senior Aaron Hunnel and the UWSP National Wellness Institute student chapter, $3,658 was raised so Katie Neuman can take on the 1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike, and 13.1-mile run in Door County on July 21, 2013. The incentive to donate was the opportunity to shave the heads of married professors Annie and Tom Wetter from the School of Health Promotion & Human Development (HPHD). The goal of $2,500 to shave the head of one of the Wetters or $3,200 for both Wetters was surpassed as Hunnel spent 11 hours on a treadmill to help raise funds. The head shaving took place at the HPHD End of the Year Celebration in the CPS Café on May 10. [Photo Gallery]
Neuman is an inspiring young athlete who pursues excellence despite challenges with Cerebral Palsey. She currently works at the Children’s Museum in Appleton, Wis., and recently graduated from the Tech House at Neenah High School. This summer, she will triumph with Hunnel, an Army veteran and health promotion/wellness student at the UW-Stevens Point, as a part of my TEAM TRIUMPH. Together, they make Team Katie.