As the temperature rises and the sun shines more often, it always amazes me how many people come out of their caves and onto the greens of campus. Like everyone has been released and refreshed! Ahh…
For me, it means a chance to pack up the cross country skis and break out the bike. Stevens Point is blessed with miles of beautiful trails, rivers, and roads to explore via bike, feet, roller blades, canoe, kayak, or whatever recreational transportation form you choose. This is actually a top reason why I chose UWSP for school, since I can go about a mile out in either direction and be encompassed in beautiful central Wisconsin woods and waters.
Schmeeckle Reserve and the Green Circle Trail are two wonderful options for embracing your inner wild-man and enjoying the outdoors. For an afternoon, Schmeeckle is great for a run, walk, or calm perch on a bench overlooking Lake Joanis. It’s full of beautiful oak trees, pine trees, deer, owls, frogs, and other cool nature views. Especially if you live close, like in the dorms, you should be taking advantage of this treat on campus. If you’re a runner, you’ll appreciate the trail around the lake that is exactly a mile in length (perfect for timing your mile or mile repeats!)
For the more adventurous, hop on the Green Circle Trail. This is a 26.2-mile trail part-road, part-off road trail encircling the city of Stevens Point. You’ll see sights of Schmeeckle, Sculpture Park, Plover River, Wisconsin River, paper mill, and multiple city parks. People walk, run, and bike this trail all year long. I personally have enjoyed biking it during Tour de Point put on by organizations within the university.
There are lots of events you can get involved with that utilize these two awesome Stevens Point resources: Ciclovia, Tour de Point, Spring Thaw 5K, Candlelight Hikes, Run, Bike, Unite Duathlon, environmental educational programs, etc. All of them are great ways to get out of your winter ‘cave’ and into the sunshine and beauty Stevens Point has to offer.
There’s much more than just the couple blocks of campus buildings to our university! Take advantage of the nature’s wonders we’re surrounded by in Stevens Point. No need for fancy equipment or even a bike! Grab your roommate and head outside for your next study break before finals. Wear your sunscreen!
Courtney Cerniglia is a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in business administration and Spanish.