Beginning the day with my morning walk, I began to realize what people talk about with the rain here. Rain here is a leaky faucet. Or drip coffee. It is minimal, but it doesn’t stop. Totally unlike Wisconsin’s rain where it generally is torrential down pour for maybe a few minutes, maybe even hours, but eventually the sun comes out. Not the case here. It is just a soothing constant state of rain on days where the sun is behind the clouds. I got back to the house after listening to a Philosopher’s Note, drenched in sweet rain, did some yoga and meditation, then showered for day one of my internship.
I am notorious for running late, so with the rain I decided to give myself 30 minutes to get to work! Good choice! I was able to get a cup of coffee before going into the office at 10 a.m.! I met with Rachel first thing, the secretary for the office, and got to read through the training manual. Once I finished, I got to meet with Irene and work through our social media set up at the company! We are really looking to beef up our marketing at My Yoga Online, by changing how we interact with customers on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. I began work on our Twitter account, before being pulled downstairs by Jason co-CEO of the company.
Jason had me run sound for three different video shoots where Edmond, a local Pilates instructor, was filming content for the website. I had the headphones with the master feed off the microphone to take notes for the editing team. What an exciting experience for day one! Later in the day, we got coffee ordered to the office along with lunch! Free food and coffee?! A guy could get used to this!
Later, Michelle, co-CEO, and I discussed what I can do to be most effective for the company! We decided I will be working most mornings on marketing with Tracie, to really strengthen our marketing efforts. Afternoons, I will be working with Michelle, and others on creating and editing video content for the website.
Michelle also asked me to teach a staff yoga class tomorrow! I declined, asking to take in one staff yoga class before I jump in, so next week I’ll get to teach on Thursday from 12-12:45 p.m.!
Michelle left me today with some research of how great work places flourish, and what the yoga scene is like in Europe! ☺
Exciting things on the horizon!
Matt Cooke is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in health promotion/wellness and musical theater.