This past week I’ve become mostly a shut in, enjoying the social aspects of being at work and enjoying my roommates company, but otherwise, I’ve preferred to be Skyping family and journaling on my own.
I am overwhelmed with the amount of power I feel in my time alone, playing around with the idea of my highest self! I get to experiment and put on different “masks” of who I could grow up and be someday! I’ve been spending so much time with my journal ad self-development literature … It makes hanging out with others seem so not important … so Vancouver crowd
To add to my highest self practices, I’ve been getting up every morning and taking a 30-minute walk. I listen to empowering mp3s and get filled up so much! I love it! Then, I’ve been enjoying doing 30 minutes of acroyoga preparatory postures. They’re very strength-based yoga postures, but I’m having such a blast! Then I do my 30 minutes of meditation! It’s been doing wonders for my productivity at work and my self-discipline! I’m so incredibly grateful for my fundamentals. I wouldn’t miss ’em for the world!
Next, I’ve been heading to work around 8:30 a.m. and arriving at 9 a.m. I’m in love with all the incredible people I get to work along side! This past week, I’ve already led TWO company meetings with the CEO! BIG STUFF TO BE GRATEFUL FOR! It’s incredible, that in the past two weeks, I’ve become our social media specialist in taking on our Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest! Check us out at @MyYogaOnline!
Matt Cooke is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in health promotion/wellness and musical theater.