On Thursday, I taught my first ever class in a studio setting and freakin’ loved it! You know when you know the universe is calling you to do something with all of your being? Neither did I till I started teaching yoga! The experience of seeing others striving towards an intrinsic goal of self-inquiry or expression is incredible to see as a peer of humankind! I feel so blessed that people give me permission to tell them how to move their bodies for an hour at a time! ☺
It’s funny, because I think people appreciate what I do in classes, but I feel so much more gratitude in being able to help them gain deeper knowledge about themselves, awareness of their bodies, and a deeper understanding of what it is to be human! Seeing people smile when they finally get a pose they have been coming to class to for weeks on end, sends vibrations of pure ecstasy up my spine … that people are setting out to do something, and it’s not that they “reached the goal” that brings joy, but that they went through the journey, and experienced something! So much we just try to just find the magic bullet … I know I do, in moving to an end, rather than enjoying the means to get there! I get to see people struggle through the means and come out on top everyday! How freakin’ cool is that! At Kripalu, we talk about the yoga mat being a science laboratory for “real life” off the mat … It’s so true. We get to constantly have self-realizations that startle us into our innate greatness and divinity! Boom! Secret Sauce to Bein’ a Boss!
The class was on “Being Fearless and Courageous in times of Change and Transition.” At My Yoga Online, we are going through our huge, peak season of festivals, and teachers coming through to shoot new material for the website! It’s an exciting an exhausting time for our staff. The class was about opening up and softening into the moments in front of us, and finding the divine feminine. That is also juxtaposed with the rooting down, and taking action as the divine masculine. Playing with those two, we created heat in the body, and opened up to our fears and how we could drop those fears and in turn, find empowerment in our endeavors…
…So an all around incredible day!
Matt Cooke is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in health promotion/wellness and musical theater.