Coming to you live from poolside Fish Creek, Wis. The sun’s hot, the sky is blue, and it finally feels like summertime.

…Summertime. The restaurant we come to for one of the best meals I’ve ever eating. Ahi Tuna. A soy sauce marinade and sesame seed coating and pickled ginger and wasabi on the side.

…Side. The side of the peninsula we’re staying on is chock-full of sailboats and blue waters. Lake Michigan is cold but refreshing in this hot weather.

…Weather. The forecast has said cloudy and storms every day, yet we have yet to witness a drop of rain. This allowed us to hit Peninsula State Park beach for a few rays and for Dad and I to hop on our bikes to and from Bailey’s Harbor. A beautiful ride across the peninsula and one of the most fun I’ve ever done.
…Done. The vacation is not over, yet me sitting here writing is about to be. I’m starting to get a funny tan line and the pool water is beckoning me for a dip.

Courtney Cerniglia is a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in business administration and Spanish.