As owners of a family milk trucking business, there was never a lack of excitement on days like today. They always started with Dad coming down and busting into our rooms, “Boys, we’ve got projects.” God, I used to hate that. Even if there wasn’t a project, I swear the guy would create projects. However, the older I’ve gotten, the more I appreciate the work we’ve always done, and now it’s almost gotten to the point that I look forward to these ventures. I said almost, Padre.
If the conditions allow, I’m sure Mom is probably feverishly canning masses of tomato soup while being bombarded with excessive amounts of information from NPR. (Seriously, if you want to talk politics with my mother, set an afternoon aside). I always loved the smell of fresh tomato soup; it hits the spot so nicely on a cold day.
If Brian’s around, he’s probably doing some sort of work on the trucks: oil changes, grease jobs, brake jobs, tire jobs, light jobs, odd jobs … whoa, I blacked out there for a minute.
Kevbob will probably wash his car and take a run sometime this afternoon; however, his services will certainly be commissioned in the shop at some point.
Lorence will likely go hunting this evening, even though he got a buck already. HOORAY!
If I were around, I’d probably shoot some hoops with Brian, go out hunting with Lorence and take a run with Kev. I’m real sneaky when it comes to staying out of the shop.
However, I’m here. Luckily enough, though, I was able to catch Lorence on Facebook and get the scoop. He and Dad broke down in the pickup truck and had to recruit our hired man Scott to come give them a pull with his pickup truck. This probably means they had to call in Kurt to haul Scott’s load and enlist mom to take Kurt’s early load tomorrow. This is by no means an irregular circumstance. I swear my father has a way of getting himself into and out of situations like nobody I’ve ever met. I guess that’s why he raised a whole task force of sons to keep things running. Part of me wishes I was around to help. That being said, I’m immensely thankful for the opportunity to be here as well; it’s just nice to reminisce sometimes. Tomorrow, I get to enjoy dinner with the lovely and enthusiastic Annie Wetter and a number of other UWSP staffers. It will be a most enjoyable experience.
Lee Bartnik – out.
PS: I know I said I was going to delve into markets with my next post, but that’s what we get for planning I guess. Stay posted.
Lee Bartnik, a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in dietetics, is blogging about his study abroad experience in London.