Hola chicos!

I hope everyone’s October is going well, personally this is one of my favorite months of the year so I love it. The changing leaves, a warm blanket, some hot cider; this is why I love living where I do and I’m so thankful being able to experience this type of weather every year.
I have been very busy lately and finally got the time here to sit down and share a post for this month. I usually talk about the highlights of what I have been up to but really I’m just doing what I wrote about last time and nothing crazy has changed. So for this post I think I will share what my daily life is like for me. Currently one of my sisters, who’s a senior in high school, is trying to figure out where to apply to college and I know for her she wants to know what it is like to be a student on the various campuses. So here is my perspective on a typical day in the life of a student at University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Most days start off around 7:30 a.m. and I slowly walk to my kitchen to make some coffee; being that I am not a morning person that is pretty much what keeps me going throughout the day. Then I get dressed, layers are key when the weather is always unpredictable. If I don’t work in the morning I try and make it to yoga class at the Allen Center but lately with the chilly weather and this seemingly never ending cold I have, I haven’t make it the last couple of weeks. Three days I week I work in Payment Services from 8-11 a.m. After work I typically have about an hour to go home and make some lunch, mac and cheese or a salad are my favorites. Then I grab my bike from the shed and it’s off to class. On my way to class I’m trying to appreciate the fall leaves and find a couple moments of peace but I almost always run into someone I know and stop and chat for a minute. For about the next three hours I listen to lectures on geography, statistics, calculus, etc. Once that’s over, I race home as fast as I possibly can and I’m always so happy I live close to campus. Once home I usually grab a snack and veg out for a couple hours. I usually watch Netflix and pin like 10,000 things on Pinterest (I’m addicted). Once I feel I’ve wasted enough time I spend a couple hours doing homework or studying. Then the evening rolls around and my boyfriend and I make something for dinner, usually pasta dishes or homemade pizza. If it’s a week night I try and get to bed early but if it’s the weekend my friends and I will stay up late and hang out or go meet up with some friends. On the weekends I pretty much am a big lazy bum; just hang out, do homework and watch football but sometimes I volunteer or do some shopping with friends. Watching the Packers on Sunday is usually a highlight of my week. I never really watched football a lot when I was younger, obviously my family did and I didn’t mind it but I never really cared that much. However once I got to UWSP and realized how many people were hard core Packers fans, I sort of just fell into it with everyone. I love hanging out, making some good food and just kicking back and watching the Packers. Then once Sunday night rolls around I hit the hay and start the week over again.
So there you have it, I know it’s nothing crazy or adventurous right now. My routine is far different from when I was in Spain, but I’m still having a great time and loving every minute of my time as a college student here at University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point.
Hasta Luego,
Alexia Szabo is a junior majoring in accounting, Spanish and international studies at UW-Stevens Point.