Although I like to think I’m a worldly, cultured person, the truth is I’m a small-town Midwestern girl who has yet to venture outside the border of the U.S. As pathetic as it may sound, it’s probably true for most of us. While I get the opportunity to go to Spain this January, there are other chances for you to develop skills for international exposure as well on campus that you should be aware of.
International Students
One of the easiest ways to get international exposure is to speak with international people! There are many international students in the business program, and I’m sure you’ll have a few in your classes. Talk to them! They’re full of great stories and experiences. You can also attend a few International Club meetings (which also count as SBE Events attendance!) to meet new people and hear about different cultures.
Majoring/Minoring in Foreign Language
If you are a business administration major, you are aware of the requirement to have a concentration, minor, or other major. A great way to fulfill that requirement and study in a different department is to add a foreign language major or minor. Having second language skills enhances your resume and opens up whole new job options for you both in the U.S. and internationally.
Business 327: International Management
This class is a fantastic way to learn about different countries from a business point of view. You’ll study labor practices, country customs and culture, international negotiation strategy, and overall management concepts. The course is interactive and quite applicable to real-world business.
International Internships in London and China
Many students have benefited from the London internship program. You get to live in London for a semester and work internationally! Awesome! Check out fellow blogger Lee and his current travel experiences in London.
Also back this year is the summer China internship. It sounds awesome, and I would totally have done it if I was not going to Spain! You get to tour China facilities and complete a project as an intern over the course of your stay. You also get to do some awesome sight-seeing and experience China night life!
In my preparation to leave the country, studying in Bus. 327 has been eye-opening and useful for what I’m about to partake in. Although I’m going to learn the language and culture of Spaniards, I also want to study business practices and how the economy is functioning in Spain. Because of this, my study abroad experience will be much more enriching and useful when I come back to the U.S. and begin applying for jobs. I haven’t gone yet, but I’ve heard multiple times how valuable international experience can be. If you cannot find the means to travel, you should still consider your options of studying international culture, business, history, or language. I can guarantee you it will help you in your professional career.
Courtney Cerniglia is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in business administration and Spanish.