I’m currently in the last semester of my business degree and therefore am taking the capstone course for all business majors: Bus. 480. It’s reputation can be frightening; it is known to be difficult, time consuming, stressful, and cover a lot of topics you probably forgot about from all your degree requirements. Being almost done with the course, I want to set some new expectations for students who will be taking this ‘scary’ course:
1. Start out curious.
Taking an active interest in what you’re about to learn will keep you engaged throughout the semester. This is your chance to ask questions about things you haven’t quite pieced together through your business studies! Maximize your curiosity and you can feel fully prepared for graduation and your step into the ‘real world.’
2. Apply what you know.
You took all those business courses for a reason! This class gives you the opportunity to finally apply what you’ve learned in a safe environment. There are many opportunities to participate, and the more involved you are, the more you’ll get out of this capstone course.
3. Take the next step.
By this point in school, participating shouldn’t be the ‘next step.’ Challenge yourself to really immerse yourself in the new managerial material the professor sets before you. These concepts and processes are used directly in what we will be doing in our professional careers. The more you practice with them and get involved in professional discussion, the more experience you’ll have when you have to do it for real at your job. Practice now can give you confidence later!
4. Follow your interests.
Where did you intern last summer? Where do you want to work after graduation? What industries interest you? Having a clear concept of what you like can help you out in this class. From choosing the company for your semester strategic review, to reading material and applying it to concepts, knowing what you’re interested in allows you to directly apply your knowledge in these areas to what you write, present and discuss.
5. Act professionally.
This course is designed to be your last step between college and career. Treat it like a giant training course for your new job. Be professional in how you conduct yourself in class and in your work. With the strategic review project, you also get the opportunity to present in front of local business professionals. A great way to showcase your skills and feel how presenting in a company would be like!
Although I’ve been through stress and difficulties with this class, I have found most of it to be rewarding and even fun to do. As we go through our strategic review, I find myself truly interested in the company we’re studying and discovering how its strategies yield success. Like many of the business courses, you don’t get to ‘choose’ to take it or not, so you might as well make the most of your time in ‘Big, Bad and Scary’ Business 480.
Courtney Cerniglia is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in business administration and Spanish.