Last weekend I packed up my life in Stevens Point! I’m preparing now to head off to Valladolid, Spain for my final semester. After my finals were finished I rallied up my friends and we celebrated a great semester and said our final farewells. I’ve met some amazing people at UW-Stevens Point! It was bittersweet saying goodbye, but I know it won’t be forever … these people are for life! As I wrote in a final reflection:
I have had some realizations of what kind of people I want in my life moving forward from college and school. I’ve realized whom I want with my as I start a career and who should remain a part of my college memories. This has allowed me to foster great, lasting relationships with friends who inspire and motivate me to live up to my potential.

It’s a weird feeling to bring everything back home and not be simply stowing it away to take back to Stevens Point next fall. After Spain, I jump into ‘real-life’! But I’m not thinking too hard about that yet because I want to focus on Spain. I’m excited to plunge head-first into the culture and start applying the language. I’m really looking forward to our Madrid tour the first few days. The closer everything gets, the realer everything feels! I purged my wardrobe over the weekend, my loft now looks like the picture you see here. Every time I walk by I try to eliminate something – my goal is to pack light!
I hope you all have a happy holiday season, next stop – España!
Courtney Cerniglia is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in business administration and Spanish.