The UW-Stevens Point School of Communicative Disorders handed out $19,000 in scholarships at its 2014 Awards Reception Sunday, April 27 in the Dreyfus University Center Alumni Room. [Photo Gallery]
A School Tradition:
The School of Communicative Disorders developed the tradition of giving student and alumni awards in 1967 and expanded that tradition significantly in 1982. Members of the school view the awards program as a way of giving special recognition to the best of the best. Outstanding students and alumni are award recipients. Plaques, which are associated with the awards described in this brochure, are proudly displayed in the lobby of the Center for Communicative Disorders. The accomplishments of the recipients of these awards attest to the high quality of our communicative disorders program. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to maintaining high standards that promote excellence.
Outstanding Junior Student
Recipients: Shelby Kreeb, Emily Seep
This award is given to undergraduates in the junior year who exemplify the potential for graduate work through their service, scholarship and leadership. A certificate and a monetary gift from the Helen Scheidt Endowment Fund are presented.
Outstanding Senior Student
Recipient: Brynn Ahonen
This award is given to undergraduates in the senior year who demonstrate excellence in all aspects of the program. A certificate and a monetary gift from the John Joanis Endowment are presented.
Outstanding Speech/Language Pathology Graduate Student
Recipient: Breanna Minor
This is a faculty-nominated award. It is given to a graduate student in the speech-language pathology graduate program who exhibits excellence in the classroom and clinic and provides service to the School of Communicative Disorders.
Outstanding Audiology Graduate Student
Recipient: Melissa Matthiae Sigmund
This is a faculty-nominated award. It is given to a graduate student in the audiology graduate program who exhibits excellence in the classroom and clinic and provides service to the School of Communicative Disorders.
Avada Audiology and Hearing Care Scholarship
Recipient: Lucy Woerfel
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to a first year audiology graduate student at UW-Stevens Point who demonstrates above average academic achievement, superior leadership skills, and declares an intention to dispense hearing instruments as part of the rehabilitative process. A certificate and monetary gift from the Avada Audiology and Hearing Care Scholarship Fund are presented.
Liz Enos Memorial Award
Recipient: Alisa Damitz
This scholarship is for a student who exemplifies courage, independence, academic excellence, contributions, loyalty to the program, and warmth. A certificate and a gift from the Liz Enos Memorial Scholarship Fund are presented.
Nash Family Communicative Disorders Scholarship
Recipient: Amy Hawes
This scholarship is presented to a first-year graduate student in speech and language who intends to work in a medical setting. A certificate and monetary award from the Nash Family Scholarship Fund are presented.
Terri Witt Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Anna Schuman
This scholarship is given to an undergraduate or graduate student in the major with financial need who has a deep commitment to making a difference in the lives of students. A certificate and monetary award from the Terri Witt Memorial Scholarship Fund are presented.
Johnson Family Speech-Language Pathology School Award
Recipient: Bethany Bauer
The speech and language pathology graduate student receiving this award will have demonstrated a professional commitment to working in the schools by declaring this option and externing in a school setting. In addition, the student will have demonstrated scholarship, clinical flexibility, creativity and insight, a keen sense of humor, and a genuine liking of children and their caregivers. A certificate and a monetary gift from the O.K. Sr. and Ceal M. Johnson, Dr. Gerald F. and Maxine M. Johnson Endowment Fund are presented.
Tufts Graduate Student Scholarship
Recipient: Amy Shecterle
The Tufts Graduate Student Scholarship is intended to provide assistance to students during their extern semester. The scholarship is intended
to defray the additional costs of accepting externship assignments.
A certificate and monetary gift from the Tufts Graduate Student Endowment are presented.
Al and Jan Noel Scholarship
Recipient: Lucy Woerfel
This scholarship is awarded to a deserving student enrolled in the School of Communicative Disorders who has demonstrated a financial need and who is at the senior level or first-year graduate student. Scholarship recipients possess the kind of attitude and overall potential to do well in this field. A certificate and monetary gift from the Al and Jan Noel Scholarship Fund are presented.
St. Michael’s Hospital Scholarship
Recipient: Tanya Holm
This award is for a graduate student in the School of Communicative Disorders with the intent of working in a medical setting. This award is based on academic achievement, performance in clinical practicum, contributions to the university, school or department, involvement with student or professional organizations and community activities, as well as work experience. A certificate and monetary award from the St. Michael’s Hospital Scholarship Fund are presented.
Donald Aylesworth-Pauline Isaacson Non-Traditional Award in Communicative Disorders
Recipient: Alex Gonzalez
Awarded to a person who, after having delayed or interrupted education for a period of time, is enrolled to pursue professional preparation in Communicative Disorders and who demonstrates maturity, a positive attitude, and commitment to the field. A certificate and monetary award from the Donald Aylesworth-Pauline Isaacson Non-Traditional Student Scholarship are presented.
Cook-Chappell Scholarship
Recipient: Jared Drummond
This award is for a fourth-year Au.D. student based on academic achievement, clinical expertise and performance, and a “pleasing,” interactive personality. A certificate and monetary award from the Cook-Chappell Scholarship Fund are presented.
Florence Donermeyer Award
Recipient: Sara Babbitts
This scholarship is presented to a senior in the major who demonstrates academic excellence and will be entering the graduate program in communicative disorders at UW-Stevens Point. A certificate and a monetary gift from the Florence Donermeyer Endowment are presented.
Dean’s Awards Outstanding Students
Sophomore: Kelsey Hooyman
Junior: Sarah Mongin
Senior: Angelina Wilson
SLP Graduate Student: Breanna Minor
Au.D. Graduate Student: Erin O’Leary
The criteria for these awards include academic excellence, potential as an outstanding clinician, enthusiasm for communicative disorders, outstanding interpersonal skills, and involvement in service and volunteer programs. Nominations are made by graduate and undergraduate students. The recipients are given a certificate presented by the dean of the College of Professional Studies and a monetary gift from the Communication Disorders Friends and Alumni Fund and Communication Disorders Excellence Fund.
Friends of Communicative Disorders
Recipient: Mary Mielke
This award is given to individuals who have provided considerable support to the communicative disorders program at UW-Stevens Point.
Danielle Gorectke Memorial Scholarship
Recipients: Angelina Wilson, Chelsea Vande Hei
This scholarship is presented to an undergraduate who has been accepted into the upper division classes of the School of Communicative Disorders with the intent to work with children. Danielle Gorectke was an outgoing 23-year-old woman from Minocqua, Wis. She was an undergraduate student at UW-Stevens Point completing her degree in communicative disorders. Danielle loved children and especially loved working and helping those with learning disabilities. Danielle’s dream was to complete her speech pathology degree at UWSP and become a speech-language pathologist, but her life was tragically cut short. It is the hope of the Gorectke family that this scholarship will help another student reach his/her dream of becoming a speech-language pathologist.
Outstanding Practitioner
Recipient: Kerry Kluck
This award is given to UW-Stevens Point alumni who have been outstanding speech/language or audiology practitioners in the field.
Outstanding Alumnus
Recipient: Emmie Jo Kasat
This award is given to professionals for excellence in program development, service to the school, supervision, publication, research and service to the profession.