Students in Mrs. Beth Helgeson third-grade class from St. Stephen School spent the day learning in the UW-Stevens Point Center for Collaborative & Interactive Technologies (CCIT) as School of Education preservice teachers observed and participated the lessons. [Photo Gallery]
The class learned about cause and effect while watching an alien video and working on activities in pods. The students rotated to various stations to work on spelling, reading and computer skills on iPads and SMART Boards. After enjoying lunch in the CPS Café, the focus turned to science and math as UWSP preservice teachers taught a lesson about space and fractions.
The day was organized by Professor Cindy Cate, a member of the College of Professional Studies Tech Select faculty, who received a grant to increase outreach with the community through technology.
Located in the College of Professional Studies, the CCIT provides access to interactive technology while helping students, future teachers and faculty infuse technology into learning outcomes.