As the year comes to a close and everyone is in finals mode, it becomes easy to forget what you’ve accomplished this semester and just try and make it through this last week or so of classes. While being modest is a great quality, I think students often forget to give themselves credit for all the hard work they have been putting into school and work throughout the semester.
This past weekend there were several awards banquets and ceremonies for various schools, colleges and clubs on campus. If you haven’t seen pictures check out the College of Professional Studies Facebook page to see some of them, they all look great! I love seeing my peers and the faculty be awarded and acknowledged for their hard work. Personally, my weekend was filled with several events and ceremonies for various things that I have been working on throughout the semester.
First on Friday, May 2, I presented my research paper at the College of Letters and Science Research Symposium. Throughout the day in the Science Building, students presented posters or oral reports of research that they have been working on this year. It was really neat to see everyone’s research and the variety of what people work on just within the College of Letters and Science. My biology major friends presented on things like lizards and plant genetics (all science stuff that I do not understand haha), but there were also presentations on topics in the humanities. I presented my research paper that I have been working on all semester for the senior capstone class for my International Studies major. My research was on the Spanish economic crisis and how it has impacted women in Spain. I enjoyed being able to show off what I have been working on all semester to friends, family and other professors.

So happy my family was able to come up this weekend to support me at the SBE awards dinner.
After the symposium on Friday I attended the School of Business & Economics (SBE) Awards Banquet. I loved seeing my classmates and professors outside of the classroom, but still all there to celebrate business and economics (some of my favorite things). I even was able to chat with some of my favorite people who work in the CPS Dean’s Office. : ) I was really proud of all my peers for being acknowledged with various awards and scholarships. I love being surrounded by motivated people who love what they study and do everyday. I was honored to receive the Lawrence and Julia Weiser International Scholarship, for studying economics and pursuing study abroad programs. It was great that at the dinner I was able to meet the couple who sponsor the scholarship and get to know them and why they support SBE. It was all around a great time at the awards banquet.
Then on Saturday morning I was officially inducted into the National Society for Leadership and Success. This past year I had been attending meetings, filling out reports, and completing all the steps to becoming an official member of this large honor society that has chapters all over the country. This group is for any major so everyone there was from different backgrounds, but they all love what they do. Again just being there, surrounded by people who love what they do and are motivated to do better, made me incredibly happy.
Around finals times I feel many students begin to complain about school and what they are studying. I know sometimes school is hard but to me it’s an honor to be here. All over the world there are kids who would kill to be continuing their education and here we are able to choose where, what, and how to study to further our education. When I hear someone complain about school I can’t help but cringe and try to politely remind them that if they don’t like it then maybe you should step down and let someone who wants it take their place. I just try to remember everyday, especially around finals time, that I want to finish school and I am so grateful to have this opportunity.
So good luck everyone with this last week and finals, I know everyone is capable of doing what they need to get done. When your stressed out and don’t want to try anymore, just remember all the things that you’ve accomplished this semester and appreciate what you have going for you. : )
Hasta Luego,
Alexia Szabo is a senior majoring in economics, Spanish and international studies at UW-Stevens Point.