My sister Morgan graduated from high school this weekend, so proud of her! I can’t wait for her to come visit me in Stevens Point this summer : )

Hola chicos,
Happy summer everyone! I can’t believe it’s finally here! Not only are we done with classes and finals, but the weather is actually reflecting the season we are in. It felt so good to take the plastic insulation off my windows and put my winter clothing away. Everyone is visibly in a better mood and I love all the time people spend outside these days. The summer can be a great time, but also can get boring and people can become lazy when they are obligated with school or other things like they usually are during the school year. Here are some things I plan on doing this summer while Stevens Point to keep going and hopefully have a great summer.
Set Goals
Each summer I try and come up with a couple goals of things that I would like to do throughout the summer, and this year it was especially easy to come up with what I wanted to do. My first goal is to finish moving into my new house. My friend and I just started moving last week and it seems like unpacking is taking forever, I can’t wait to be done with it. Despite all the stress of moving I love our new house and I can’t wait to live there for the next year. Another goal I have for myself is to save money. One would think that has an economics major and working in an accounting office I would be more conscience of my spending, but sometimes I just can’t help but spend it all hahah. I plan on studying abroad in London next summer and I really need to save money for the trip. I am working extra hours at Payment Services and even thinking about getting another job to fill in nights and weekends in effort to get even more money. Also it would probably help if I didn’t go to every garage sale possible this summer haha. A third goal I have set for myself is to read 10 books over the summer. I love reading for fun but I never feel like I have time during the school year so I like to cram it all in during the summer. So far I’ve read only one book but I know once I’m done moving I’ll be able to read more. So if anyone has any recommendations for good books let me know! I think setting a couple goals for yourself can really make your summer more productive and fulfilling so make some of your own!

Explore Stevens Point
In case I haven’t said this before, I love Stevens Point. I have gone to school here for three years and lived both on and off campus but it seems like I always find new things to do. This will be my first full summer living in Point and I plan on doing as much in Point as I can. I want to attend the farmers market every Saturday, bike the whole Green Circle (which I’ve never done), go to all the beaches in the area, and so much more. Already this summer I’ve been around places in Stevens Point that I didn’t even know existed, and I love it. I was a bit hesitant to live in Point over the summer because I didn’t know what it would be like with less people here, but it’s wonderful. There are more people here than one might expect, and the campus isn’t completely dead like one might think. It’s a different atmosphere but I love it and I think if you’re really a Pointer you have to spend at least one summer living in Stevens Point.
Prepare for Fall
Right now I’m not too concerned about what I will do this fall, but once August rolls around I like to start getting ready for school again. I try to order any books I can and I’ll probably review some Spanish lessons since I most likely won’t be able to use it this summer. I think also just reading a lot helps me stay sharp and not fall into a lazy slump. Really the whole reason I’m in Stevens Point is to go to school and I don’t want to mess that up. I only have one year left and I hope it’s a good one.
Have Fun!
Obviously this summer will be a lot of work and preparing for the fall, but of course I want to have fun too. I love being able to spend so much time with my friends and now I’m even living with my best friend. I have big plans to go to concerts and amusement parks and nature reserves, I hope I have time to fit it all in. So all in all this summer will hopefully be busy, productive, and a good time all around. I will continue blogging every now and then throughout the summer, but I hope everyone has a good summer and enjoys the next few months of freedom and fun in the sun!
Hasta Luego,
Alexia Szabo is a senior majoring in economics, Spanish and international studies at UW-Stevens Point.