Educators from around the state got a jump start on the upcoming school year by learning about new technology at the Digital Learning JumpStart Conference Tuesday, Aug. 5, sponsored by Wisconsin Technology Initiative. The one-day event was co-hosted by UW-Stevens Point and UW-Whitewater via live and virtual classrooms. [Photo Gallery]
The conference provided PK-12 teachers, pre-service teachers and higher education faculty with classroom digital learning strategies in a variety of topics including video-connected classrooms, inquiry learning, apps, media creation, playful learning, flipped learning, and Google Apps and Extensions. The Common Core Standards were also addressed in several sessions.
Session Descriptions
30 apps in 60 minutes (elementary): Familiar with the iPad? Ready to get new ideas….fast? This session is for the experience iPad user who wants to grab some new ideas for their classroom.
30 apps in 60 minutes (secondary): Familiar with the iPad? Ready to get new ideas….fast? This session is for the experience iPad user who wants to grab some new ideas for their classroom.
Connected Classrooms: Google Hangouts, Mystery Hangouts, Guest Speakers, Virtual Field Trips. All of these can be possible with a simple webcam. Titps for managing a connected classroom will be shared. Exploration of online opportunities and resources for connecting with remote partners for short learning experiences will be discussed. Video and audio recommendations will be included.
Ready to go high tech? The second half of this session will explore connecting classrooms through videoconferencing technology. What options are out there? What technology is required? The nuts and bolts of video classrooms and examples of how they are being used in Wisconsin will be shared.
Digital Culture: Becoming responsible digital citizens is imperative for children today. Developing a positive digital culture must involve teachers, administrators, students, and families. Strategies for fostering responsible digital culture within school communities will be shared, including digital footprint analysis and strategies to assist students in understanding how to be safe, active and positive members in the online world.
Extend with Extensions: Use Google Chrome’s browser to its fullest potential. Learn tips and tricks, including apps and extensions, to facilitate instructor productivity, student learning, and instruction. This session shows teachers options beyond the commonly used Google Documents, Forms, and Spreadsheets.
Flipped learning: Ready to flip? This hot trend in education is becoming common. A brief overview of apps and programs available for screencasting will be shared. Tips for effective flipping (lighting, intonation, length, posting, assessment) will be explored with the group. Examples of how teachers are flipping their classes will also be included.
Managing Classrooms While Integrating New and Multiple Technologies: Integrating technology in the classroom isn’t always as simple as bringing in a cart of iPads and letting students go wild. In this session we’ll talk about a variety of strategies for easing the transition to using digital tools.
Playful Learning: This session will explore digital tools and design strategies to use playful learning as a method for equipping students with the tools and skills to think, create, engage, and flourish in the 21st century.
Students as Innovators: Create…design…inspire! In this session we’ll explore different methods for facilitating innovation among learners.
Technology to Support Inquiry Learning Session 1 and 2: Are you excited about designing inquiry learning that’s engaging and makes use of the latest tools for exploration, collaboration and creativity? These sessions will involve an exploration of the tools for inquiry, the process of designing common core infused inquiry-based learning.
Google Apps/Extensions: This workshop will explore a variety of add-ons and extensions to Google Chrome. Chrome has thousands of add-ons that promote teacher and student engagement and productivity. Participants should have a laptop with the Chrome browser installed.
Connected Classrooms: Participants will practice Google Hangouts and engage in a presentation with the National Football Hall of Fame. Participants should have a Google+ account established. Application of connected classrooms will be explored in depth and on an individual basis.
Flipped Classroom: Participants will explore multiple programs to facilitate flipping a class. These include Explain Everything, Educreations, YouTube Video Editor, and Snag-it.
Inquiry Learning: This session is for participants who have attended the Technology to Support Inquiry Learning sessions and will focus on designing learning experiences that involve digital media.
Apps Guided Workshop: Several apps will be selected and participants will receive hands-on training for applying those in the classroom.
Media Creation: Creating videos in the classroom has never been easier! In this session we’ll explore video and audio making software that can be used for a wide variety of uses, with, or for, students. Creating audio tracks can be used to enhance a video production or as a standalone project. In this session we’ll explore different media tools and consider how they might be used in the classroom.
Playful Learning Workshop: Participants will apply digital tools and design strategies to use playful learning as a method for equipping students with the tools and skills to think, create, engage, and flourish in the 21st century.