Hola Chicos,

Hey everyone! I hope all you UW-Stevens Point students are surviving midterms and the cold streak of weather we have been having. I know personally I have been crazy busy (I have two midterms and a project due next week … ugh), but also a lot of good things have been happening. Last week I was officially accepted to intern in London during the summer of 2015! I am incredibly excited to travel back to Europe and end my undergraduate studies with an internship abroad. As we head toward November it begins the time to start thinking about registration; and since I graduate this May, this is my last time to register for a classes and I have a lot to think about and prepare for.
Before I even get close to registration I have to make sure that I have all my credits and graduation requirements met. I am pleased to say that I only have nine credits that I need to complete, two economics courses and one course for my international studies major. Aside from that, I just need at least three credits of anything else to maintain a full-time status. So far I have been struggling to decide what these other three credits should be. Part of me wants to take another foreign language, like French or German; part of me wants to take another upper-level economics or business course; and the other part of me just wants to take an random, easier course just to make this last semester less stressful. I really cannot decide what is best for me, I’m sure I’ll get it figured out before registration though.

Aside from preparing for these midterms and registration, I been spending a lot of time thinking about what I plan to do after graduation. As I said earlier, I will be in London this coming summer, but then what will I do when I return from my internship? Assuming I don’t just stay in London (I wish haha), I will most likely return back to Madison, where my family lives, and look for a job there. Although I am excited to be closer to my family again, it makes me sad to think about leaving Stevens Point. I have lived here for over three years and I truly feel that this city is as much of ‘home’ as Madison is to me. Living off campus, and working both on and off campus has really bonded me not only to the university and campus, but also the entire community. I truly believe that people who live in Stevens Point are some of the nicest people I have ever met. This community is welcoming and in my opinion a wonderful place to live, I really do not want to say goodbye to it. I guess my plan for now to embrace it while I live here and not think about leaving until later.
So as I approach my last semester I am filled with a variety of mixed emotions from excitement to nervousness and just kind of a bittersweet feeling. I am looking forward for what will be in store for me in the next several months, and I promise to write more blogs posts to update everyone. Have a wonderful week and rest of October everyone!
Hasta Luego,
Alexia Szabo is a senior majoring in economics, Spanish and international studies at UW-Stevens Point.