C.R. Marshall isn’t your average university professor. He didn’t begin his graduate degree work until he was into his 40s, and as often as he can, he escapes to play guitar with friend John Greenwood, who works with the Wisconsin Center for Public Policy at the University of Wisconsin-Marathon County. The two play a little Duke Ellington, some Miles Davis, even jazz interpretations of a couple Beatles tunes. “We were initially named by his daughter as Grown Men Goofing Off – GMGO,” he laughs. “I decided to class it up a bit and call it the Greenwood-Marshall Garage Orchestra.”
C.R. takes great enjoyment from it, and from teaching at UW-Stevens Point, where he has spent the past 15 years. Prior to that he had managed a chain of retail stores and worked for a Fortune 500 company. “Like many of the faculty we hire, I bring some real-world experience to the classroom.”
Through his time working for the School of Business and Economics he has witnessed much change; what he sees in the coming years excites him. But more than anything, he remains excited by the opportunity to make a difference. “The university is still 50 percent first-generation college students, and particularly for these students, their education will change their lives.”
C.R. admits he left behind a career many would be happy to have, but he has never looked back on it. “Being a college professor is how I pay forward.”
C.R. Marshall, Ph.D.
Professor, Business at UW-Stevens Point
Ph.D., Organizational Behavior, Washington University in St. Louis
M.B.A., Statistics and Business Economics, University of Chicago
B.B.A., Accounting, University of Iowa
715-346-4576 | cmarshal@uwsp.edu
Read more in the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point School of Business viewbook. It’s not just business, it’s personal.