Paying it Forward this Holiday Season

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kelseyblanketsc201412As winter break is upon us and many of us travel home for the holidays I’m sure we are all filled with excitement to have a break from classes and enjoy some time with family and friends. While the word Christmas holds different meaning for everyone I am going to share what Christmas means to me.

Christmas is a time where I spend it with my family and close friends, relaxing and bonding together. Listening to Christmas music, eating Christmas cookies and opening presents is all great, but to me there is more to Christmas than that. To me a very special part about Christmas is giving to those in need. This year for my family instead of buying each other Christmas gifts we are each paying it forward to someone in need. It is such a heartwarming feeling when you can make a complete strangers day.


I am happy to share with everyone that right here at UW-Stevens Point myself and other members of the University Council on Family Relations (UCFR) gave to those in need this month. We made six fleece tie blankets that where then donated to the Family Crisis Center. It was a fun meeting making the blankets with my fellow organization members knowing that our talents where going to touch the lives of someone else this holiday season.

Helping those in need can be done in such a small way such as simply just sharing our time and talents with others. I encourage you all to help someone in need this holiday season.

Happy Holidays!

Kelsey Haelfrisch is junior majoring in family and consumer sciences – family life education at UW-Stevens Point.