So close yet so far away. I’m sure I’m not the only senior feeling like this right now. Less than two months until graduation, but still it seems like we’re never going to get there. Even though this is my lightest class load I’ve ever had, it seems like my hardest semester. I have been struggling at staying motivated ever since we returned from winter break, and even more so now that spring break is done. However I am still determined to finish off this semester on a good note and to do that I need to step up my game. Here are some tips and goals that I have for staying motivated during your senior year of undergrad.
Plan your semester before it starts
Before your last semester even begins, think about how you want it to be and plan accordingly. Do you want to have a lighter class load or a normal load? Are you going to work more or less? How active will you be on campus? For me I decided to take only 12 credits, where in past semesters I have always taken at least 15. It’s nice having fewer credits, but I feel that it has led to me being a little lazier. Since I am going to class less I have more free time and I have been really good at not being productive at all during my free time. I would say just keep that in mind if you plan to have a lighter less semester.
Think about your final goal
Are you just trying to graduate? Will you be going to grad school? Are you trying to get a job after graduation? I think it’s important to realize that just making it to gradation is not always the end. If you plan on doing something after college, then you can’t just stop working towards that go and being motivated during your last semester. This is the semester to step it up and do what you have to do to reach that goal.
Keep up with normal tasks
Continue working, being active, studying and anything else you have done in the past. For me, I have been really behind on blogging and it’s frustrating to me because I know I am just procrastinating. I need to remember to stay on top of my work, and my studying. Again this lighter class load means less homework and studying, which is great at times, but also makes in hard for me to come home and focus on studying.
Well there you have it, three simple but important goals to keep in mind while finishing up your last semester. I hope everyone had a great spring break and is working towards finishing out the semester on a good note!
Hasta Luego,
Alexia Szabo is a senior majoring in economics, Spanish and international studies at UW-Stevens Point.