I am one day away from completing a dream that has been tickling my brain since I was 15-years-old. Today was spent with a loving family and friends who have been around since the diaper days. Thank goodness for the 78 degree weather in Chicago which led us to a cookout. Since the weather was extremely lovely outside, I did not have the heart to leave the sun. So my family, friends and I decided to have a packing party in our backyard. There were clothes everywhere! I think the sun gave us the motivation we desired. We did need to sit on one to shut it, but nothing was more glorifying then listening to the zipper meet the end of the suitcase and close shut.
Filling up a shopping cart full of school supplies was interesting to say in the least. It was intrinsically rewarding explaining to fellow customers why I was pushing a shopping cart filled to the brim with school supplies. It was mind stimulating observing customers faces fill with joy, curiosity and embrace the idea that I would be traveling to Africa with the school of education to teach blind children. Shopping for the school supplies was an enjoyable experience. I felt as though I was in a candy store, grasping at all the pens and folders that I knew would fill the students’ hearts with gratitude. It is an honor to understand that these tools will help enhance these students learning.
A major thank you for my family and friends that were able to take the time out of their busy schedules to assist me on my journey. Words are unable to describe the appreciation I have for each and every one of yours. I do not think much sleep will be received tonight. I will see my group members at 3 a.m. and we will be on our journey to change lives at 6 a.m. Let the voyage begin!
Kelly Mares, an elementary education and special education major, is blogging about her study abroad experience in Namibia, Africa.