Hello UWSP from China!
We have all safely made it to China and enjoyed our first few days! We are a part of a three-week trip where we will be introduced to the most modern, and still developing, aspects of Chinese culture and family life. Professor Cuiting Li, who is originally from China, is leading our program!
We have been kept very busy touring places like the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven and many of our favorite–The Great Wall of China! The sights at the Great Wall are indescribable it was just so beautiful, no pictures do it justice. It was gorgeous! The weather has been hot, in the 90s most days, but with a nice breeze.
The food has been good, everyone has been brave and trying something new. At supper last night we had duck, that seemed to be many peoples favorite food. While the bathrooms aren’t quite like ours, we have all been gaining leg muscles squatting.
It’s been an amazing first few days, sightseeing and learning about the Chinese culture.
Kelsey Haelfrisch is senior majoring in family and consumer sciences – child, youth and family studies at UW-Stevens Point.