A sold-out crowd of teachers, administrators and reading specialists from around the state attended the 34th Annual Wisconsin Reading Research Symposium June 26-27 at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Convention Center in Stevens Point. [Photo Gallery]
The two-day event was sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point College of Professional Studies and School of Education with support from the Wisconsin State Reading Association (WSRA).
This year’s theme was “Mindful Literacy: Open Minds, Create the Culture, Remember the Joy” and featured keynote speakers:
- Doug Fisher, Ph.D., professor at San Diego State University
- Mary Jo Fresch, professor at The Ohio State University at Marion
- Peter Johnston, professor emeritus at the State University of New York-Albany
- Lester Laminack, professor emeritus at Western Carolina University
- Debra Zarling, K-12 reading coordinator at Oshkosh Area School District
The Wisconsin State Reading Association provides leadership, advocacy and professional learning for the implementation of effective literacy practices, recognizing the complex nature of literacy and engaging students to apply their literacies in meaningful ways in a changing world.